Great article. The spineless GOP IN BOTH HOUSE AND SENATE need to be required to attend the funeral of all mass shooting victims especially the young children . I am still sickened by the cowardly law enforcement in Uvalde Texas. Check out Daniel Defense a manufacturer of AR type weapons in Georgia.

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Always so grateful to know you're a loyal reader.

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Two mass shootings: Georgia school and Ky highway. Moderators did not ask questions. Neither candidate commented. I do remember Harris stating she and husband owned guns. I, too, briefly carried a sidearm in Chicago for work. I grew up on the Southside-I do not recall mass shootings in my public school. There were murders and shootings. AR-15s and other automatic weapons were not prevalent

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Another day in America, another shooting of innocents. Hard not to become numb to shootings and the lack of action. "Thoughts and prayers" is an expression that adds to my numbness. However, the image of a child sleeping in a closet provokes my activist bone. Time for numbness to leave. If we all, speak up and out for responsible gun ownership, parental responsibility, and change, school shootings do not need to be accepted as a fact of life. Phoebe, excellent writing on heartbreaking American tragedies.

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Dear Mary, Thank you for reading and offering feedback. My child was born a year before the Columbine HS shootings, so she grew up only knowing mass shooting drills. Such a contrast to my own childhood.

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Last year I picked up my sophomore high school niece from school. During my drive to the school there was a fierce rainstorm with galloping thunder and piercing lightening. Once in the car, Kiera and I talked about the storm. I mentioned the boisterous thunder and she replied that at first she thought it was gunfire. I asked her if she was afraid. Without a pause, her reply: "Sort of, but we have had many active shooter drills." Her response still weighs heavy on my childless no cat heart. Guns in schools and active shooter drills are not right. Yesterday, I was told by a youth social worker who was volunteering with me at a foodbank, "If you are not angry about what is happening in Iowa and elsewhere, you are not paying attention." Pay attention to what Phoebe wrote and make a plan to share her article with four people, in honor of the four killed this week in Georgia.

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I'm honored by your words, Mary.

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Beautifully said. So real. What do we say to our kids or grandkids? No more innocence or carefree days of childhood. School was always a safe space with only the occasional bully armed with nothing more than nasty words or maybe fists.

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Love your approach to the "human" side of things...especially when retail auto reporting is usually "transactional"!

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Thank you, Roger. Highest compliment I could hope for. Really good stuff coming.

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Thank you, Dean.

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This. This is the reality more and more children are living. Phoebe makes it real.

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Thank you, Jules. I dream about the boy in the closet.

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No words can describe my feelings after reading your piece. I’ve written to representatives after every shooting. All that’s happened is that they’re less likely to say “thoughts and prayers” and more likely to say “<insert spouse’s name> and I grieve with the families of <insert shooting location>…” My heart breaks for these children.

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Thank you for reading and sharing your perspective. Thank you for reaching out to elected officials. Your voice matters. Our children matter.

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