Loved your childless cat ladies article showing all the scientific facts on how having cats lower stress, relieve loneliness, they comfort calm many human ailments! I'd enjoy seeing the Cat video fest sometime. Sharing with other cat friends. Cute pics of your kitties ❤️

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Thanks, Phoebe for the great article - and particular thanks for the great photo of cat ladies lining up to vote. Just copied and pasted that one on my Facebook page. Not childless, and without a cat at the moment, but definitely have been a cat lady! Of course, my spouse has been a cat gentleman (you never hear about them, but they are out there).

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My husband was a dog-only guy until we married. The cats LOVE him. They sprawl all over him during naps. Visuals are hilarious.

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OMG, leave it to Phoebe Wall Howard to put a new spin on the cat lady meme.

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