He had found nice people,the two of you, and that is huge. Thank you for being the glue that holds us together, however tenuously.

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Thank you for the sweet note.

We know from research and testimonials that sometimes just being seen or heard in a single moment can prevent tragedy. We’re all in this crazy life together. xo

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So very true!

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Thanks for sharing your encounter. Reminded me of John Prine’s “Hello in There”. We need to do better at seeing people.

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Amen re: seeing people.

Nice John Prine reference. Beautiful song.

Thank you, Mike.

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Ah yes! Just listening and sharing a smile with someone along our path can be the greatest part of being a human.

Making a seemilingly stranger feel important, warms our own journey. They often do not need our voice as much as they need our ears and a smile.

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Thank you for reading and commenting, James.

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I really appreciate this article, though it makes me sad that we have become a place where it is hard to meet nice people. I immediately went back about 50 years when I was working in a local chain store and had a life changing encounter. We had a carnival in town and had a store meeting that morning about watching the carnies that might come in; they were notorius thieves and shop lifters you know. I don't remember what I was doing but I will never forget what happened next. For whatever reason I had my hands full when this scary looking young man bumped into me making drop whatever I was carrying. He was dirty with long matted blonde hair, and a very scary looking knife on his hip and chewing on a nail,ewe Red LIght! But the he said excuse me Ma'am and picked up the stuff for me and then went on to the snack bar. Once I got over the shock, it hit me this scary looking guy just called me ma'am and helped me. I was going on coffee break anyhow and saw him sitting at a table by himself and asked if I could sit with him. He seemed surprised but pulled out the chair for me . I asked him where he was from and how he happened to be traveling with the carnival. It turns out he was an English student who'd toured the country and was now working his way back to Canada and hoping to make it before semester started. Over the week i got to meet the rest of the carnies, sat around some bonfires and listened to poetry and heard road stories from a group of very nice misfits who somehow came together like family He eventually told me he intentlonally tried to look scary because he was a little guy; about 5' 11" and not particularly muscular and he said he had a tendency to get beat up a lot by locals when they got to new town, There's a lot more to this story but I'll just say Carnie Dan did get back to Canada and his beloved poetry and we became penpals for many years and it all happened because a scary looking young man called me ma'am and bought me a cup of coffee.

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This is a powerful (and delightful) story about kindness and the importance of not making assumptions. Thank you for taking the time to share it. We all learn from each other. xoxo

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That is a powerful slice of life story. Thank you Phoebe.

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He felt safe talking to you. The VA is good advice. Taking a college class is good, too. Parks and rec classes -- social dancing, volleyball etc -- are a great way to make new friends.

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